Α - Β - Γ - Δ - Ε - Ζ - Η - Θ - Ι - Κ - Λ - Μ -Ν - Ξ - Ο - Π - Ρ - Σ - Τ - Υ - Φ - Χ - Ψ - Ω
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M -
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oberth effect
Objective (optics)
Oblique correction
Oblique shock
Oblique wing
Observable universe
Observational cosmology
Observer (physics)
Observer (special relativity)
Observer effect (physics)
Ocean gyre
Ocean thermal energy conversion
Odd molecule
Odd sympathy
Oersted Medal
Ohm's law
Ohmic contact
Ohnesorge number
Oil drop experiment
Okorokov effect
Olami–Feder–Christensen model
Olbers' paradox
Old quantum theory
Oldroyd-B model
Omega baryon
Omega meson
On-Line Isotope Mass Separator
On Physical Lines of Force
On shell and off shell
On the Shoulders of Giants (book)
On the movement of small particles suspended in a stationary liquid demanded by the molecular-kinetic theory of heat
Online refuelling
Onsager reciprocal relations
Onset of deconfinement
Oort constants
Opacity (optics)
Open-pool Australian lightwater reactor
Open Source Physics
Open quantum system
Operator (physics)
Operator product expansion
Oppenheimer–Phillips process
Optic crystals
Optical amplifier
Optical autocorrelation
Optical axis
Optical black hole
Optical brightener
Optical chopper
Optical circulator
Optical coating
Optical coherence tomography
Optical communication
Optical conductivity
Optical contact bonding
Optical depth
Optical downconverter
Optical equivalence theorem
Optical feedback
Optical field
Optical flat
Optical force
Optical format
Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment
Optical levitation
Optical medium
Optical metamaterial
Optical microsphere
Optical modulator
Optical modulators using semiconductor nano-structures
Optical neural network
Optical parametric amplifier
Optical parametric oscillator
Optical path
Optical phenomenon
Optical phonon
Optical power
Optical properties of carbon nanotubes
Optical pulsar
Optical pumping
Optical reader
Optical rectification
Optical ring resonators
Optical rotatory dispersion
Optical scalars
Optical science
Optical sciences
Optical sectioning
Optical sine theorem
Optical Society
Optical Society of Japan
Optical superresolution
Optical switch
Optical theorem
Optical train
Optical transition radiation
Optical tweezers
Optical window
Optically stimulated luminescence
Optics & Photonics News
Optics Classification and Indexing Scheme
Optics Communications
Optics Express
Optics Letters
Optics and Spectroscopy
Optik (journal)
Optoelectric nuclear battery
Orb (optics)
Orbit (dynamics)
Orbit equation
Orbit phasing
Orbital angular momentum multiplexing
Orbital angular momentum of light
Orbital decay
Orbital eccentricity
Orbital elements
Orbital inclination
Orbital integral
Orbital mechanics
Orbital motion
Orbital motion (quantum)
Orbital node
Orbital period
Orbital plane (astronomy)
Orbital state vectors
Orbiting body
Order and disorder (physics)
Order operator
Ordered exponential
Orders of magnitude (charge)
Orders of magnitude (density)
Orders of magnitude (energy)
Orders of magnitude (entropy)
Orders of magnitude (force)
Orders of magnitude (length)
Orders of magnitude (luminous flux)
Orders of magnitude (magnetic field)
Orders of magnitude (mass)
Orders of magnitude (power)
Orders of magnitude (pressure)
Orders of magnitude (radiation)
Orders of magnitude (resistance)
Orders of magnitude (specific energy density)
Orders of magnitude (specific heat capacity)
Orders of magnitude (temperature)
Orders of magnitude (voltage)
Organic field-effect transistor
Organic nonlinear optical materials
Organic photorefractive materials
Organic superconductor
Orifice plate
Origin of avian flight
OrthoCAD Network Research Cell
Orthobaric density
Orthometric height
Orthomode transducer
Orthorhombic crystal system
Orthovoltage X-rays
Oscillator linewidth
Oscillator phase noise
Oscillatory universe
Osculating orbit
Oseen's approximation
Oseen equations
Ostwald ripening
Ostwald–Freundlich equation
Otto cycle
Outdoor–indoor transmission class
Outflow channels
Outhouse (unit)
Outline of applied physics
Outline of astronomy
Outline of geophysics
Outline of physical science
Outline of physics
Over/under cable coiling
Overflow (software)
Overlap matrix
Oxford Calculators
Oxford Electric Bell
Oxide thin-film transistor
Oxygen-burning process
Oxygen permeability
Ozsváth–Schücking metric