Administrative Region : South Aegean
Regional unit : Tinos

Kampos (Κάμπος) is village part of the xynonymous community on the island Tinos, Cyclades, Greece. The community consists of the settlements Xinara, Agios Romanos, Kampos, Loutra, Smardaki, and Tarampados.

Community Kampos
Agios Romanos (Άγιος Ρωμανός Τήνου, ο)
Βουρνή Τήνου, η
Kampos (Κάμπος Τήνου, ο)
Loutra (Λουτρά Τήνου, τα)
Xinara (Ξινάρα Τήνου, η)
Smardaki (Σμαρδάκι Τήνου, το
Tarampados (Ταραμπάδος Τήνου, ο)
Φσίνος Τήνου, ο

See also: Tinos (island)

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