
Vertical Mycenaean loom. Photo : Augusta Stylianou Artist

Telemachus and Penelope in front of a tapestry weaving frame, drawing from a 5th centruy BC vase painting

Women weaving, Image adapted from a Black-figure lekythos, Attica 550 BC, by the Amasis Painter, "The two on the left fill a basket with yarn; the next two fold the finished cloths; one spins fine thread next to a woman combing wool into a basket; two others work together at a warp-weighted vertical loom; and the two on the right weigh out the balls of yarn" (Marilyn A. Katz ).

See also Istos (loom)

From "Ancient Greek Technology" exhibition at the Evagoras & Kathleen Lanitis Centre in Carob Mill Limassol

Replicas and Reconstruction by Prof . Kostas Kotsanas and his students

Ancient Greek Technology

Ancient Greece

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