
Most cited authors in Computer Science - May 2003 (CiteSeer)

Generated from documents in the CiteSeer database. This list does not include citations where one or more authors of the citing and cited articles match, or citations where the relevant author is an editor. An entry may correspond to multiple authors (e.g. J. Smith). This list is automatically generated and may contain errors. Citation counts may differ from search results because this list is generated in batch mode whereas the database is continually updated. A total of 659481 authors were found.

The Greek Computer Scientists among the top 2000 most cited are shown (including some other entries as reference points)

1. D. Johnson: 12119
2. J. Ullman: 11041
3. A. Gupta: 8407

20. C. Papadimitriou: 5210
21. R. Agrawal: 5143
22. D. Goldberg: 5050

80. D. Bertsekas: 3444
97. D. Terzopoulos: 3261
124. M. Yannakakis: 2969
126. J. Vlissides: 2940
182. C. Faloutsos: 2566
367. J. Sifakis: 1861
399. V. Hadzilacos: 1785
466. C. Courcoubetis: 1655
479. G. Karypis: 1628
495. P. Kanellakis: 1610
518. J. Tsitsiklis: 1575
1573. P. Pardalos: 814


Most cited source documents published in 1994 in the CiteSeer database as of May 2003

This list only includes documents in the CiteSeer database. Citations where one or more authors of the citing and cited articles match are not included. The data is automatically generated and may contain errors. The list is generated in batch mode and citation counts may differ from those currently in the CiteSeer database, because the database is continuously updated.

64. Fast Subsequence Matching in Time-Series Databases - Faloutsos, Ranganathan, Manolopoulos (1994)
Great, influential paper. Won SIGMOD best paper award

Ancient Greece

Science, Technology , Medicine , Warfare, , Biographies , Life , Cities/Places/Maps , Arts , Literature , Philosophy ,Olympics, Mythology , History , Images

Medieval Greece / Byzantine Empire

Science, Technology, Arts, , Warfare , Literature, Biographies, Icons, History

Modern Greece

Cities, Islands, Regions, Fauna/Flora ,Biographies , History , Warfare, Science/Technology, Literature, Music , Arts , Film/Actors , Sport , Fashion



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