
Polygnotos (active approx. 450/420 BC.) was in Greek Vase painter in Athens. He is considered as one of the most important vase painters of the red figure style of the high-classical period. He received his training in the workshop of the Niobid painter and specialized in monumental vases, as in the manner of Polygnotos of Thasos, after which he probably designated himself.
He painted particularly large containers how Stamnoi, Kraters, Hydria and shoulder amphorae, also Nolan Amphora and Peliken.
Beside this famous vase painter two further vase painters have the name Polygnotos. They have become known in the scholarly literature as the Lewis painter and the Nausikaa painter.
Polygnotos and vase painting in classical Athens, Susan B. Matheson
John Beazley, Attic red figure vase painters, 1963.
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