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N Painter

Nachtmann, Franz Xaver (*)

Nadorp, Franz Johann Heinrich

Naeke, Gustav Heinrich

Nagel, Johann Friedrich
Nagel, Patrick

Nagli, Giovanni Francesco

Nagy Balogh, Janos

Nahl, Arthur
Nahl, Charles Christian

Naiveu, Matthijs

Nakajima Reisen

Naldini, Giovanni Battista

Namara, Stephen

Nani, Domenico Udine
Nani, Giacomo
Nani, Napoleone

Nankivil, Lisa

Nanmei Korin

Nanni, Girolamo

Nanteuil, Robert

Napoletano, Filippo

Nardo, Mariotto di

Narjot, Ernest

Naselli, Alessandro

Nash, Anne Taylor
Nash, Frederick
Nash, Joseph

Nasini, Giuseppe Nicola

Nasmyth, Alexander
Nasmyth, Patrick

Nason, Pieter

Nasoni, Nicolau

Nassinger, Leonhardt

Natali, Giuseppe

Nathusius, Thomas von

Natkin, Robert

Hellenica World, Paintings, Drawings

Natoire, Charles-Joseph

Natterer, August

Nattes, John Claude

Hellenica World, Paintings, Drawings

Nattier, Jean-Marc

Nattino, Girolamo

Natus, Johannes

Naucratis Painter

Naue, Julius

Nava, John

Navarrete, Juan Fernández

Navez, Arthur
Navez, François-Joseph

Navone, Edoardo

Navorelli, Guglielmo

Navratil, Josef

Nawahi, Joseph

Nay, Mary Spencer
Nay, Friedrich Wilhelm Alexander

Nazari, Bartolomeo
Nazari, Nazario

Neagle, John

Neal, David Dalhoff
Neal, Michael Shane

Neapolitan Master around 1370

Nebbia, Cesare

Nebeker, Royal

Nebel, Friedrich Joseph Adolf

Nebot, Balthazar

Nechvatal, Joseph

Neeffs the Elder, Peeter

Neel, Alice

Neely, Anne

Hellenica World, Paintings, Drawings

Neer, Aert van der
Neer, Eglon van der

Neffson, Robert

Negele, Johann
Negele, Tobias

Negker, David de
Negker, Jost de

Neher, Bernhard von
Neher, Michael

Nehlig, Victor

Nehmad, Deborah

Neiman, Jochim

Nelimarkka, Eero

Nelke, Alexander

Nelli, Ottaviano
Nelli, Pietro

Nelson, George Laurence
Nelson, Richard Christian

Nenci, Francesco

Neri di Bicci

Hellenica World, Paintings, Drawings

Nerio, Ugolino di

Nerlich, Nickel

Nerly, Friedrich
Nerly, Friedrich Paul

Neroni, Bartolomeo

Neseus of Thasos

Nessi, Antonio

Nessos Painter

Nestel, Hermann

Nesterov , Mikhail Vasilyevich

Netherlandish School, circa 1500

Hellenica World, Paintings, Drawings

Netscher, Caspar

Netti, Francesco

Nettleship, John Trivett

Neuber, Valentin

Neufchâtel, Nicolas

Neunhertz, Georg Wilhelm

Newcome, Frederick Clive

Newell, Peter

Newman, Barnett
Newman, Robert Loftin

Newrew, Nikolai Vasilyevich

Newton, Amanda
Newton, Ann Mary
Newton, Francis Milner
Newton, Richard
Newton, William John

Nezzo, Luciano

Ni Tsan

Nibbs, Richard Henry

Niccolo, Andrea di
Niccolo di Ser Sozzo

Nicholls, Burr H.
Nicholls, Rhoda Holmes

Nicholson, Francis
Nicholson, William

Nickelen, Jan van

Nicolai, David

Nicolle, Victor-Jean

Nicomachus of Thebes



Niedersächsischer Meister

Niegelssohn, J. A. E.

Nielsen, Amaldus

Niemann, Edmund John

Niemeyer, John Henry

Niese, Ernst

Nieulandt the Younger, Adriaen van

Nihâl Chand

Nikolaou, Nikos

Nikomachos Series

Niobid Painter


Hellenica World, Paintings, Drawings

Nittis, Giuseppe de

Noack, Wilhelm

Nobili, Elena
Nobili, Riccardo

Noble, John
Noble, Thomas Satterwhite
Noble, William Bonneau

Nocchi, Bernardino

Noci, Arturo

Hellenica World, Paintings, Drawings

Nogari, Giuseppe

Noiret, Joseph

Noireterre, Marie Therese

Nolde, Emil

Nollekens, Joseph Francis

Hellenica World, Paintings, Drawings

Nomé, François de

Nomellini, Plinio

Hellenica World, Paintings, Drawings

Nonnenbruch, Max

Nonnotte, Donat

Nono, Luigi

Nonomura Sotatsu

Nooms, Reinier

Noordt, Jan van

Noort, Lambert van

Norblin de La Gourdaine, Jean-Pierre

Norcross, Eleanor

Nordenberg , Bengt

Norman, Philip

Normand, Ernest

Normann, Adelsteen

Noro, Francesco

North German master

North, John William

Northcote, James

Northampton Group
Northern Italian master of the early 15th century
Northern Italian master of the late 16th century
Northern Italian master in the style of Pisanello
North Russian wood cutter of the mid-18th century
Northwest Persian master of the Mongolian-Chinese style around 1297-1299
Northwest Persian Master around 1297-1299
Northwest Persian master around 1330

Norton, John W.
Norton, William Edward

Noterman, Emmanuel
Noterman, Zacharie

Notke, Bernt

Nourse, Elizabeth

Nouy, Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du

Novellanus, Simon

Novelli, Pietro ( il Monrealese)
Novelli, Pietro Antonio

Novello, Giuseppe

Nowack, Hans

Nowak, Ernst

Noyes, George Loftus

Nucci, Avanzino
Nucci, Benedetto

Nuderscher, Frank Bernard

Nuijen, Wijnand

Nunez del Valle, Pedro
Nuñez de Villavicencio, Pedro

Nunziante. Antonio

Nuremberg master around 1480
Nuremberg master of 1619
Nuremberg master of 1620
Nuremberg master of 1629
Nuremberg master of 1630
Nuremberg master of 1645
Nuremberg master of 1671

Nuvolone, Carlo Francesco
Nuvolone, Giuseppe
Nuvolone, Panfilo

Nuzi, Allegretto

Nuzzi, Mario

Nypoort, Justus van den


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