
Leochares was an Greek sculptor, who lived in the 4th Century B.C. He is theorised as the creator of Apollo Belvedere, which is currently housed in Vatican City.


Apollo Belvedere, the anatomy of a god

According to Pliny the Elder Scopas was responsible for the Amazonomachy sculptures of the East side of the Mausoleum, Leochares for the West side, Bryaxis for the North side and Timotheos for the South side of the Mausoleum.


A Roman copy of a work probably of Leochares known as Diana of Versailles. [Source] .Another version is the Artemis of Antalya.


Ganymede, Leochares Vatican Inv2445

Leochares sculptor of Athens cast a bronze group of Ganymede and the Eagle, a work remarkable for its ingenious composition, which boldly ventures to the verge of what is allowed by the laws of sculpture, and also for its charming treatment of the youthful form as it soars into the air. It is apparently imitated in a well-known marble group in the Vatican, half life-size. Such Hellenistic gravity-defying feats were influential in the arts of the Baroque.

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