

Poseidon and Polybotes, Louvre F226

Polybotes was chased through the sea by Poseidon and came to Cos; and Poseidon, breaking off that piece of the island which is called Nisyrum, threw it on him., Apollodorus, Library and Epitome 1.6.2

Polybotes in Greek mythology, is one of the giants who fought against the gods. He was buried under a rock (now the island of Nisyros) thrown by Poseidon.

Greek Mythology

Gaia (Ge), Poseidon against the giant Polybotes

Inscription of the Artists: Erginos epoiesen, Aristophanes egraphe.

Greek Mythology

Poseidon Polybotes Cdm Paris 573

Greek Mythology

See also : Greek Mythology. Paintings, Drawings

Mythology Images

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