
Dust-jacket illustration for An Elephant for Aristotle
Author L. Sprague deCamp
Cover artist Alice Smith
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Historical novel
Publisher Doubleday
Released 1958
Media type Print (Hardback)
Pages 360 pp

An Elephant for Aristotle, is a 1958 historical novel by L. Sprague de Camp. It was first published in hardback by Doubleday, and in paperback by Curtis in 1971. It is the first of de Camp's historical novels in order of writing, and third chronologically.

The novel concerns the adventures of a Thessalian cavalry commander who has been tasked by Alexander the Great to bring an elephant captured from an Indian ruler, Porus, to Athens as a present for Alexander's old tutor, Aristotle.

The journey is long and adventurous, involving frequent skirmishes with bandits, unruly noblemen, Macedonian commanders with ideas of their own about who's in charge, and a runaway Persian noblewoman.

An Elephant for Aristotle by L. Sprague de Camp, Curtis, 1971

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