
Orthodox Icon

Tree of Jesse; Monastery Agios Ioannis tou Lampadisti 16th century

Orthodox Icon

Wallpaintings, Moanstery Agios Ioannis tou Lampadisti 16th century

Orthodox Icon

Archangel Michael, 13th century wallpainting , Herakleidios Church

Orthodox Icon

Crucifixion of Jesus

Orthodox Icon

Pantokrator, surrounded by Prophets and Angels

Orthodox Icon

Phlegon, Hermes , Herodion and other Apostles

Orthodox Icon

The Passion And Suffering Of Christ , 13th and 14th century wallpaintings

Orthodox Icon

Herakleidios Church, 13th century wallpaintings

Orthodox Icon

Panagia tou Moutoulla Church

Orthodox Icon

Panagia, Wallpainting 1280 in the Ieron of the Panagia tou Moutoulla Church

Orthodox Icon

Panagia tou Moutoulla Church

Orthodox Icon

Panagia and Jesus wallpaintings, 1280, Panagia tou Moutoulla Church

Orthodox Icon

Lazarus, Wallpainting 1280, Panagia tou Moutoulla Church

Orthodox Icon

Wallpaintings 1280, Panagia tou Moutoulla Church

Orthodox Icon

Megas Ei Kyrie, Ioannis Kornarou

Orthodox Icon

Deftera Parousia, Agios Panteleimon Kloster, Heraklion

Orthodox Icon

Saint Anne with the Virgin

Orthodox Icon

Epitaphios , Theodosia Poulopos

Orthodox Icon

El Greco , Luke the Evangelist painting the icon of the Virgin Mary,

Orthodox Icon

The repose of Saint Ephraim the Syrian

Orthodox Icon

St. Mark the Evangelist, Emmanuel Tzanes

Orthodox Icon

Michail Damaskinos, The Stoning of St. Stephen,

Orthodox Icon Orthodox Icon

Ioannis Permeniatis, Virgin Vrefokratousa, Angelos Akotantos, Jesus and Saint Paraskevi,

Orthodox Icon

Theodoros Poulakis, In The rejoiceth

Orthodox Icon

Adoration of the Magi, Ioannis Permeniatis

Orthodox Icon

Grigoris Palamas

Orthodox Icon

Panagia, "Deesis",

Orthodox Icon

Apostle Paul, Theophanes Kris

Orthodox Icon

Judas' betrayal, Theophanis Strelitzas Bathas

Orthodox Icon

Jesus in Golgotha, Theophanes the Cretan

Orthodox Icon

Last Supper , Theophanes the Cretan

Orthodox Icon

Crucifixion , Theophanes the Cretan

Orthodox Icon

The Burial Lamentations , Theophanes the Cretan

Orthodox Icon

Decapitation of Agia Paraskevi, Michail Damaskinos

Orthodox Icon

The Last Supper (Monastery of St. Aikaterini of Sinai at Herakleion, Crete)

Orthodox Icon

John the Baptist, Michail Damaskinos

Orthodox Icon

Holy Liturgy, Michail Damaskinos

Orthodox Icon

The Last Judgement , Georgios Klontzas , Triptychon

Orthodox Icon

The Last Judgement , Georgios Klontzas

Orthodox Icon

The Last Judgement , Georgios Klontzas

Orthodox Icon

The Last Judgement , Georgios Klontzas

Agios Nikolaos tis Stegis Church (St. Nicholas of the Roof) near Kakopetria

See also

Cyprus Icons,






Hellenica World