
Administrative Region : South Aegean
Regional unit : Andros

Koumani (Κουμανή) Andros

Koumani is a village in Andros at an altitude of 160 m. and with a population of 138 people. It belongs to the municipality of Andros, while before the Kallikratis Program it belonged to the Municipal District of Messaria of the same municipality. It is 6 km from Chora and 28 km from Gavrio.

Map: Orama ΧΝΗ 207 Andros

Community Mesaria
Aladino (Αλαδινό, το)
Alado (Αλάδο, το)
Zaganiaris (Ζαγανιάρης, ο)
Koumani (Κουμανή, η)
Koureli (Κουρέλι, το)
Menites (Μένητες, οι)
Mesaria (Μεσαριά, η)
Moni Panachrantou (Μονή Παναχράντου, η)
Oreino ( Ορεινό, το)
Fallika (Φάλλικα, τα)

See also : Andros (island)

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