Griechische Kunst: Grabsäulen
Πήγαινε στον Κεραμεικό να δείς τα ανάγλυφα με κείνους που μέχρι μιά τώρα ήταν το κέντρο ενός κόσμου, και που αύριο θα είναι άγνωστοι κι αγνοημένοι - τη στιγμή όπου τελειώνει λίγη ζωή και ξεκινά αιώνιος θάνατος (From http://www.athenian.net/d-athena/kerameikos.htm ) My translation: Go to the Kerameikos to see the bas-reliefs of those who were the centre of a world, and who tomorrow will be unknown and ignored - the moment where the short life finishes and eternal death begins.
Farewell and the last touch , Attic Stele
Stele (plural Stelai) a grave stone with reliefs. Many Stelai produced in the period 420-317 BC in Attica until Demetrios of Phaleron of Athens passed a law that prohibited the erection of elaborate stelai ( anti-sumptuary decree).
Stele of Dermys and Kitylos, dedicated by Amphalkes to Dermys and Kitylos from Kokali necropolis in Tanagra, early 6th century BC, National Archaeological Museum Athens, NM 56
To see the grave reliefs in greatest number and variety, and to study their significance, we must go to the National Museum. Many as there are, there would have been more Attic gravestones, if a law had not been passed to restrict their erection. Demetrius of Phaleron seems to have been a funeral reformer, who forbade the use of elaborate grave monuments, and who thought three inexpensive varieties would be enough. It was probably owing to earlier interference with the stone-cutter's craft, and not to any pro-longed period of public health, that the production of Attic gravestones fell off in the fifth century, and again, after a period of reaction, under Demetrius at the end of the fourth. Greece - Attic Grave Reliefs
Grave stele. Hegeso, daughter of Proxenos. Pentelic marble., c. 400 BC, National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Pentelic marble Stele for a woman called Hegeso inscribed on the stele. One of the most famous and beautiful pieces of sculpture, located in the Kerameikos Cemetery in Athens. Hegeso seating on a Klysmos chair with her servant facing her offering to her a jewelry box. (Color reconstruction from a lectures Art website, probably the painted jewelry that Hegeso had in her hand missing).
http://www.stoa.org/metis/cgi-bin/qtvr?site=kerameikos A virtual Tour of the Kerameikos, including various monuments (Stelai, etc) (Quicktime Movie)
Κι από το πρώτο μάρμαρο κι από το πρώτο μνήμα
ακούω φωνή που χύνεται κι ακούω φωνή που λέει:
- Εμέ Δεξίλεο με λένε. Εγώ είμαι της Αθήνας
το λατρεμένο το παιδί, ταγένειο παλληκάρι
... Kostis Palamas, ΔΕΞΙΛΕΩΣ a poem inspired by the Dexileos Stele
Dexileos son of Lysanias, from Thorikos. |
Ilissos Stele from the bed of the Ilissos River in Athens, c. 340 BC, National Museum, Athens. The young boy maybe represents one of the children of the dead. A grave stele which I find also funny because of the dog that smells the foot of the old man.
Damasistrate, daughter of Polycleides
Grave stele of Phylonoe. Pentelic marble.
nd a Stamp with a Stele
Stele and my Sirens and mournful pitcher that hold the little ash of Hades, tell those who pass by my tomb to greet me, whether citizens or from another town, and say that I was buried here, still a bride, and that my father called me Baucis, that I was born in Tenos, that they may know. And tell them too that my companion Erinna engraved this word upon my tomb.
I am the grave of Baucis the bride. Passing by my stele, say to Hades beneath the earth,
"You are grudging, Hades. The lovely letters you see will tell the very cruel fate of Baucis:
how her bridegroom's father lighted the girl's funeral pyre with the same torches that blazed for the wedding song,
and you, Hymenaeus, exchanged the melodious marriage hymn for the mournful sound of threnodies sung for the dead."
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Plangon Stele, around 320 BC: Text; Plangon Tolmidoy Plataiki. Tolmides Plataeus. "Plangon, wife of Tolmides, from Plataea. Tolmides, the Platean". Probably the stele of a wife who died soon after becoming a mother. Discovered in Oropos. Athens, Athens National Archaeological Museum; NM 749
Stele Mnesarete Glyptothek Munich 491
Stele, hunter, Glyptothek Munich 492
Stele Artemon Glyptothek Munich 493
Stele lyre player Glyptothek Munich
Young girl with a bird
Polyeuktos with his dog, one of many similar stelai
Demetrias, Painted Stele, Hellenistic Period
Demetrias, Painted Stele, Hellenistic Period
Demetrias, Painted Stele, Hellenistic Period
Demetrias, Painted Stele, Hellenistic Period
Minos just sent me, Antigenes to the islands of happy people, as I had got fatal wounds on the head and my body was pricked from spears, at the moment that the goddess of war (Enyo) encouraged me during the infantry battle against the Aitolians....
Anthony W., Erich S. Gruen, A.A. Long, and Andrew Stewart, editors Images and Ideologies: Self-definition in the Hellenistic World. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1993 1993. http://ark.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/ft4r29p0kg/
Ancient Greece
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