Archaische Griechische Kunst: Die Kore
Part 1
In contrast to the Kouros the Kore (pl. Korai) (Κόρη ) (maiden) is never nude but clothed. This is also the reason why these sculptures look more diverse than the nude Kouroi. A large number of Korai were found in the Acropolis in Athens. Often the Kore is holding some offering to the gods they served.
Systematic studies started only around 1882 on the Acropolis mainly by the Greek archaeologist M. Kavvadias (who supervised the work since 1885). Even if the Turks left the Acropolis almost 50 years earlier parts of the postclassical buildings on the Acropolis had first to be removed.
Orientalizing Period (700-600 BC)
The Nikandre Kore (Νικάνδρη Κόρη) from Delos, c 650 BC, 1.75 m. Inscription found
Nikandre dedicated me to the Far-Shooter of arrows, the excellent daughter of Deinodikes of Naxos, sister of Deinomenes, wife of Phraxos
![]() A daedalic kore from the island Samos (wood or xoanon), late 7th century BC |
![]() ![]() Statue of Hera dedicated by Cheramyes. "Cheramyes dedicated me to Hera, as a gift" Samos. c. 560 BC , Louvre Museum, ParisKore, Heraion Samos, Louvre Ma686 |
The Lady of Auxerre (Κυρία της Ωξέρ), Daedalic style, after the legendary Daedalus (the skillful one). Probably from Crete, a limestone statuette of a goddess or maiden. Limestone, height 0.63 m, c. 640-630 BC. The Daedalic art, characterized by its triangular head and flat face. Now at the Louvre, Paris.
A color Reconstruction of The Lady of Auxerre
Archaic Period (600-480 BC) - Αρχαϊκή πλαστική
Phrasikleia Kore (Φρασίκλεια Κόρη ) by Aristion of Paros; Merenda in Attica, c. 550-540 BC National Archaeological Museum.
Theodorus of Samos made the first self-portrait, in bronze, remarkable for its "similitudo mirabilis" (Pliny 34. 83). This moment may be reflected by the statue of Phrasikleia, who bears undeniably peculiar features, even if the face as a whole cannot yet be regarded as “realistic.” Antonio Corso, The Position of Portraiture in Early Hellenistic Art Criticism.
Phrasikleia with one of her arm included!
"Marker of Phrasikleia
I could be called kore (maiden)
for ever instead of wedded
by the gods thus being named
[Aris]tion of Paros created me"
(Translated by Thomas Sakoulas)
“Phrasikleia holds a lotus at its breast by way of symbol of its continued and eternally unplucked state. Like the words of the inscription, the rosettes below each breast, and the additional lotuses, alternately half-open and closed, that wreathe the maiden's crown signal a blossoming into womanhood even as they affirm that this floraison has yet to occur. Together the different elements cohere in making the metonymic representation a visualization of the maiden in her social role, preserving her at the very threshold of the marriage to which she could once have aspired. ”, Deborah Tarn Steiner
The Peplos Kore (Πέπλος Κόρη) or Peplophoros (Πεπλοφόρος) , c. 530 BC, Acropolis Museum, Athens. The statues were usually painted using the encaustic technique (mixing of colored pigments with wax as a bonding agent and applied on the heated sculpture. The wax was used to seal the stone preventing its erosion. Different color reconstructions of the Peplos Kore. The umbrella like hat is a meniskos and is used as a weather and bird protection (But, if your award is against us, don't fail to have metal covers fashioned for yourselves, like those they place over statues; else, look out! for the day you wear a white tunic all the birds will soil it with their droppings. Aristophanes LEADER OF SECOND SEMI-CHORUS, Birds).
NAMABG-Peplos Kore reconstructed as Artemis
Peplos Kore, found 5/6 February 1886 in 4 pieces, put later together, west of the Erechtheion, Parian marble. Missing left lower arm, parts of the right hand, dress. Damaged nose, upper lip, drapery.
It is not agreed who was the inventor of painting in wax and doing pictures in encaustic. Some think Aristides discovered it and Praxiteles later perfected it, but there were encaustic paintings that were considerably older, such as those of Polygnotos. Pliny
![]() Red Shoes Kore, c. 510 BC, Acropolis, Athens, Inscription of a two Korai dedication: Lysias dedicated to Athena an aparche, Euarchis dedicated a dekate to Athena. (Aparche (first-fruits) , Dekate (tenth): Two types of dedications). Kore with a bird, discovered 1882 E of the Parthenon in 4 parts. |
The Euthydikos Kore “The sulky kore” ( Κόρη του Ευθυδίκου), marble, from the Athenian Acropolis. Carved by the same artist who made the Kritios Boy, c. 490 BC. Inscription found: Euthydikos, son of Thaliarchos, dedicated me (Base Image of the Kore - Copyright Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Athens.)
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