The latent internal energy of a system is the internal energy a system requires to undergo a phase transition. Its value is specific to the substance or mix of substances in question. The value can also vary with temperature and pressure. Generally speaking the value is different for the type of phase change being accomplished. Examples can include Latent internal energy of vaporization (liquid to vapor), Latent internal energy of crystallization (liquid to solid) Latent internal energy of sublimation (solid to vapor). These values are usually expressed in units of energy per mole or per mass such as J/mol or BTU/lb. Often a negative sign will be used to represent energy being withdrawn from the system, while a positive value represents energy being added to the system. However, reference sources do vary so check the source to be sure.
For every type of latent internal energy there is an opposite. For example, the latent internal energy of Freezing (liquid to solid) is equal to the negative of the Latent internal energy of melting (solid to liquid)
States of matter (list)
Solid Liquid Gas / Vapor Plasma
Low energy
Bose–Einstein condensate Fermionic condensate Degenerate matter Quantum Hall Rydberg matter Rydberg polaron Strange matter Superfluid Supersolid Photonic matter
High energy
QCD matter Lattice QCD Quark–gluon plasma Color-glass condensate Supercritical fluid
Other states
Colloid Glass Crystal Liquid crystal Time crystal Quantum spin liquid Exotic matter Programmable matter Dark matter Antimatter Magnetically ordered
Antiferromagnet Ferrimagnet Ferromagnet String-net liquid Superglass
Boiling Boiling point Condensation Critical line Critical point Crystallization Deposition Evaporation Flash evaporation Freezing Chemical ionization Ionization Lambda point Melting Melting point Recombination Regelation Saturated fluid Sublimation Supercooling Triple point Vaporization Vitrification
Enthalpy of fusion Enthalpy of sublimation Enthalpy of vaporization Latent heat Latent internal energy Trouton's ratio Volatility
Baryonic matter Binodal Compressed fluid Cooling curve Equation of state Leidenfrost effect Macroscopic quantum phenomena Mpemba effect Order and disorder (physics) Spinodal Superconductivity Superheated vapor Superheating Thermo-dielectric effect
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