Project Euler (named after Leonhard Euler) is a website dedicated to a series of computational problems intended to be solved with computer programs.[2][3] The project attracts adults and students interested in mathematics and computer programming. Since its creation in 2001 by Colin Hughes, Project Euler has gained notability and popularity worldwide.[4] It includes over 700 problems,[5] with a new one added once every one or two weeks. Problems are of varying difficulty, but each is solvable in less than a minute of CPU time using an efficient algorithm on a modestly powered computer. As of 5 April 2020, Project Euler has more than 1,000,000 users, from all over the world, who have solved at least one problem.[6]

Features of the site

A forum specific to each question may be viewed after the user has correctly answered the given question.[7] Problems can be sorted on ID, number solved and difficulty. Participants can track their progress through achievement levels based on the number of problems solved. A new level is reached for every 25 problems solved. Special awards exist for solving special combinations of problems. For instance, there is an award for solving fifty prime numbered problems. A special "Eulerians" level exists to track achievement based on the fastest fifty solvers of recent problems so that newer members can compete without solving older problems.[8]
Example problem and solutions

The first Project Euler problem is

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.

Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

Though this problem is much simpler than the typical problem, it serves to illustrate the potential difference that an efficient algorithm makes. The brute-force algorithm examines every natural number less than 1000 and keeps a running sum of those meeting the criteria. This method is simple to implement, as shown by the following pseudocode:

total := 0
for NUM from 1 through 999 do
if NUM mod 3 = 0 or NUM mod 5 = 0 then
total := total + NUM
return total

For harder problems, it becomes increasingly important to find an efficient algorithm. For this problem, we can reduce 1000 operations to a few by using the inclusion–exclusion principle and a closed-form summation formula.

\( {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathrm {sum} _{\text{3 or 5}}(n)&=\mathrm {sum} _{3}(n)+\mathrm {sum} _{5}(n)-\mathrm {sum} _{15}(n)\\[4pt]\mathrm {sum} _{k}(n)&=\sum _{i=1}^{\left\lfloor {\frac {n-1}{k}}\right\rfloor }ki\\[4pt]\sum _{i=1}^{p}ki&={\frac {kp(p+1)}{2}}\end{aligned}}} \)

Here, \( \mathrm {sum} _{k}(n) \) denotes the sum of multiples of k below n. In big O notation, the brute-force algorithm is O(n) and the efficient algorithm is O(1) (assuming constant time arithmetic operations).
See also

List of computer science awards
List of things named after Leonhard Euler


" Site Overview". Alexa Internet. Retrieved 22 Oct 2018.
Suri, Manil (2015-10-12). "The importance of recreational math". The New York Times. Retrieved 2018-06-05.
Foote, Steven (2014). Learning to Program. Addison-Wesley learning series. Pearson Education. p. 249. ISBN 9780789753397.
James Somers (June 2011). "How I Failed, Failed, and Finally Succeeded at Learning How to Code - Technology". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2013-12-14.
"Project Euler (list of problems)". Retrieved 2020-05-05.
"Project Euler (Statistics) - login required". Retrieved 2019-06-10.
"Project Euler - About". Retrieved 2008-04-04.
"Project Euler (News Archives)". Retrieved 2015-03-31.


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