5040 and other Anti-Prime Numbers
998,001 and its Mysterious Recurring Decimals
A Breakthrough in Graph Theory
A Miraculous Proof (Ptolemy's Theorem)
A New Discovery about Dodecahedrons
A Strange Map Projection (Euler Spiral)
Approximating Irrational Numbers
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Funny Fractions and Ford Circles
Glitch Primes and Cyclops Numbers
Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
How did the NSA hack our emails?
How many chess games are possible?
Pentagons and the Golden Ratio
Perfect Shapes in Higher Dimensions
Strange Spheres in Higher Dimensions
The Amazing Heptadecagon (17-gon)
The Daddy of Big Numbers (Rayo's Number)
The Feigenbaum Constant (4.669)
The Golden Ratio (why it is so irrational)
The problem in Good Will Hunting
The Seven Bridges of Königsberg
The Slightly Spooky Recamán Sequence
The Three Square Geometry Problem
Tribonacci Numbers (and the Rauzy Fractal)
UNCRACKABLE? The Collatz Conjecture
What's special about 277777788888899?
Ramanujan's infinite root and its crazy cousins
The fabulous Fibonacci flower formula
A Breakthrough in Higher Dimensional Spheres
Dissecting Hypercubes with Pascal's Triangle
The Mathematics of Quantum Computers
Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics
Graduate Studies in Mathematics