This is a list of topics on mathematical permutations.
Particular kinds of permutations
Alternating permutation
Circular shift
Cyclic permutation
Even and odd permutations—see Parity of a permutation
Josephus permutation
Parity of a permutation
Separable permutation
Stirling permutation
Transposition (mathematics)
Unpredictable permutation
Combinatorics of permutations
Costas array
Cycle index
Cycle notation
Cycles and fixed points
Cyclic order
Direct sum of permutations
Enumerations of specific permutation classes
Falling factorial
Permutation matrix
Generalized permutation matrix
Inversion (discrete mathematics)
Major index
Ménage problem
Permutation graph
Permutation pattern
Permutation polynomial
Rencontres numbers
Robinson–Schensted correspondence
Sum of permutations:
Direct sum of permutations
Skew sum of permutations
Stanley–Wilf conjecture
Symmetric function
Szymanski's conjecture
Twelvefold way
Permutation groups and other algebraic structures
Main article: Permutation group
Alternating group
Automorphisms of the symmetric and alternating groups
Block (permutation group theory)
Cayley's theorem
Cycle index
Frobenius group
Galois group of a polynomial
Jucys–Murphy element
Landau's function
Oligomorphic group
O'Nan–Scott theorem
Parker vector
Permutation group
Place-permutation action
Primitive permutation group
Rank 3 permutation group
Representation theory of the symmetric group
Schreier vector
Strong generating set
Symmetric group
Symmetric inverse semigroup
Weak order of permutations
Wreath product
Young symmetrizer
Zassenhaus group
Zolotarev's lemma
Other algebraic structures
Burnside ring
Mathematical analysis
Conditionally convergent series
Riemann series theorem
Lévy–Steinitz theorem
Mathematics applicable to physical sciences
Identical particles
Levi-Civita symbol
Number theory
Permutable prime
Algorithms and information processing
Bit-reversal permutation
Claw-free permutation
Heap's algorithm
Permutation automaton
Schreier vector
Sorting algorithm
Sorting network
Substitution–permutation network
Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter algorithm
Tompkins–Paige algorithm
Permutation box
Substitution box
Permutation cipher
Substitution cipher
Transposition cipher
Probability, stochastic processes, and statistics
Combinatorial data analysis
Ewens' sampling formula
Fisher–Yates shuffle
Order statistic
Permutational analysis of variance
Resampling (statistics)
Seriation (statistics)
Random permutations
Main article: Random permutation
Golomb–Dickman constant
Random permutation
Random permutation statistics
Main article: Permutation (music)
Change ringing
Method ringing
Permutation (music)
Faro shuffle
Fifteen puzzle
Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics
Graduate Studies in Mathematics
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