In mathematics, the gonality of an algebraic curve C is defined as the lowest degree of a nonconstant rational map from C to the projective line. In more algebraic terms, if C is defined over the field K and K(C) denotes the function field of C, then the gonality is the minimum value taken by the degrees of field extensions


of the function field over its subfields generated by single functions f.

If K is algebraically closed, then the gonality is 1 precisely for curves of genus 0. The gonality is 2 for curves of genus 1 (elliptic curves) and for hyperelliptic curves (this includes all curves of genus 2). For genus g ≥ 3 it is no longer the case that the genus determines the gonality. The gonality of the generic curve of genus g is the floor function of

(g + 3)/2.

Trigonal curves are those with gonality 3, and this case gave rise to the name in general. Trigonal curves include the Picard curves, of genus three and given by an equation

y3 = Q(x)

where Q is of degree 4.

The gonality conjecture, of M. Green and R. Lazarsfeld, predicts that the gonality of the algebraic curve C can be calculated by homological algebra means, from a minimal resolution of an invertible sheaf of high degree. In many cases the gonality is two more than the Clifford index. The Green–Lazarsfeld conjecture is an exact formula in terms of the graded Betti numbers for a degree d embedding in r dimensions, for d large with respect to the genus. Writing b(C), with respect to a given such embedding of C and the minimal free resolution for its homogeneous coordinate ring, for the minimum index i for which βi, i + 1 is zero, then the conjectured formula for the gonality is

r + 1 − b(C).

According to the 1900 ICM talk of Federico Amodeo, the notion (but not the terminology) originated in Section V of Riemann's Theory of Abelian Functions. Amodeo used the term "gonalità" as early as 1893.


Eisenbud, David (2005). The Geometry of Syzygies. A second course in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. 229. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag. pp. 171, 178. ISBN 0-387-22215-4. MR 2103875. Zbl 1066.14001.


Topics in algebraic curves
Rational curves

Five points determine a conic Projective line Rational normal curve Riemann sphere Twisted cubic

Elliptic curves
Analytic theory

Elliptic function Elliptic integral Fundamental pair of periods Modular form

Arithmetic theory

Counting points on elliptic curves Division polynomials Hasse's theorem on elliptic curves Mazur's torsion theorem Modular elliptic curve Modularity theorem Mordell–Weil theorem Nagell–Lutz theorem Supersingular elliptic curve Schoof's algorithm Schoof–Elkies–Atkin algorithm


Elliptic curve cryptography Elliptic curve primality

Higher genus

De Franchis theorem Faltings's theorem Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem Hurwitz surface Hyperelliptic curve

Plane curves

AF+BG theorem Bézout's theorem Bitangent Cayley–Bacharach theorem Conic section Cramer's paradox Cubic plane curve Fermat curve Genus–degree formula Hilbert's sixteenth problem Nagata's conjecture on curves Plücker formula Quartic plane curve Real plane curve

Riemann surfaces

Belyi's theorem Bring's curve Bolza surface Compact Riemann surface Dessin d'enfant Differential of the first kind Klein quartic Riemann's existence theorem Riemann–Roch theorem Teichmüller space Torelli theorem


Dual curve Polar curve Smooth completion

Structure of curves
Divisors on curves

Abel–Jacobi map Brill–Noether theory Clifford's theorem on special divisors Gonality of an algebraic curve Jacobian variety Riemann–Roch theorem Weierstrass point Weil reciprocity law


ELSV formula Gromov–Witten invariant Hodge bundle Moduli of algebraic curves Stable curve


Hasse–Witt matrix Riemann–Hurwitz formula Prym variety Weber's theorem


Acnode Crunode Cusp Delta invariant Tacnode

Vector bundles

Birkhoff–Grothendieck theorem Stable vector bundle Vector bundles on algebraic curves

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