In mathematics, the Browder–Minty theorem states that a bounded, continuous, coercive and monotone function T from a real, separable reflexive Banach space X into its continuous dual space X∗ is automatically surjective. That is, for each continuous linear functional g ∈ X∗, there exists a solution u ∈ X of the equation T(u) = g. (Note that T itself is not required to be a linear map.)

See also

Pseudo-monotone operator; pseudo-monotone operators obey a near-exact analogue of the Browder–Minty theorem.


Renardy, Michael & Rogers, Robert C. (2004). An introduction to partial differential equations. Texts in Applied Mathematics 13 (Second ed.). New York: Springer-Verlag. p. 364. ISBN 0-387-00444-0. (Theorem 10.49)

Functional analysis (topics – glossary)

Hilbert space Banach space Fréchet space topological vector space


Hahn–Banach theorem closed graph theorem uniform boundedness principle Kakutani fixed-point theorem Krein–Milman theorem min-max theorem Gelfand–Naimark theorem Banach–Alaoglu theorem


bounded operator compact operator adjoint operator unitary operator Hilbert–Schmidt operator trace class unbounded operator


Banach algebra C*-algebra spectrum of a C*-algebra operator algebra group algebra of a locally compact group von Neumann algebra

Open problems

invariant subspace problem Mahler's conjecture


Besov space Hardy space spectral theory of ordinary differential equations heat kernel index theorem calculus of variation functional calculus integral operator Jones polynomial topological quantum field theory noncommutative geometry Riemann hypothesis

Advanced topics

locally convex space approximation property balanced set Schwartz space weak topology barrelled space Banach–Mazur distance Tomita–Takesaki theory

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