In algebraic graph theory, Babai's problem was proposed in 1979 by László Babai.[1]
Babai's problem
Let G be a finite group, let {\displaystyle \operatorname {Irr} (G)} be the set of all irreducible characters of G, let {\displaystyle \Gamma =\operatorname {Cay} (G,S)} be the Cayley graph (or directed Cayley graph) corresponding to a generating subset S of {\displaystyle G\setminus \{1\}} , and let \nu be a positive integer. Is the set
{\displaystyle M_{\nu }^{S}=\left\{\sum _{s\in S}\chi (s)\;|\;\chi \in \operatorname {Irr} (G),\;\chi (1)=\nu \right\}}
an invariant of the graph \Gamma ? In other words, does {\displaystyle \operatorname {Cay} (G,S)\cong \operatorname {Cay} (G,S')} imply that {\displaystyle M_{\nu }^{S}=M_{\nu }^{S'}} ?
BI-group (Babai Invariant group)
A finite group G is called a BI-group (Babai Invariant group)[2] if {\displaystyle \operatorname {Cay} (G,S)\cong \operatorname {Cay} (G,T)} for some inverse closed subsets S and T of {\displaystyle G\setminus \{1\}} , then M {\displaystyle M_{\nu }^{S}=M_{\nu }^{T}} for all positive integers \nu .
Open problem
Which finite groups are BI-groups?[3]
See also
List of unsolved problems in mathematics
List of problems solved since 1995
Babai, László (October 1979), "Spectra of Cayley graphs", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 27 (2): 180–189, doi:10.1016/0095-8956(79)90079-0
Abdollahi, Alireza; Zallaghi, Maysam (10 February 2019). "Non-Abelian finite groups whose character sums are invariant but are not Cayley isomorphism". Journal of Algebra and Its Applications. 18 (01): 1950013. arXiv:1710.04446. doi:10.1142/S0219498819500130.
Abdollahi, Alireza; Zallaghi, Maysam (24 August 2015). "Character Sums for Cayley Graphs". Communications in Algebra. 43 (12): 5159–5167. doi:10.1080/00927872.2014.967398.
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