Galactic astronomy is the study of the Milky Way galaxy and all its contents. This is in contrast to extragalactic astronomy, which is the study of everything outside our galaxy, including all other galaxies.
Galactic astronomy should not be confused with galaxy formation and evolution, which is the general study of galaxies, their formation, structure, components, dynamics, interactions, and the range of forms they take.
The Milky Way galaxy, where the Solar System belongs, is in many ways the best studied galaxy, although important parts of it are obscured from view in visible wavelengths by regions of cosmic dust. The development of radio astronomy, infrared astronomy and submillimetre astronomy in the 20th Century allowed the gas and dust of the Milky Way to be mapped for the first time.
A standard set of subcategories is used by astronomical journals to split up the subject of Galactic Astronomy:[1][citation needed]
abundances – the study of the location of elements heavier than helium
bulge – the study of the bulge around the center of the Milky Way
center – the study of the central region of the Milky Way
disk – the study of the Milky Way disk (the plane upon which most galactic objects are aligned)
evolution – the evolution of the Milky Way
formation – the formation of the Milky Way
fundamental parameters – the fundamental parameters of the Milky Way (mass, size etc.)
globular cluster – globular clusters within the Milky Way
halo – the large halo around the Milky Way
kinematics and dynamics – the motions of stars and clusters
nucleus – the region around the black hole at the center of the Milky Way (Sagittarius A*)
open clusters and associations – open clusters and associations of stars
solar neighbourhood – nearby stars
stellar content – numbers and types of stars in the Milky Way
structure – the structure (spiral arms etc.)
Stellar populations
Star clusters
Globular clusters
Open clusters
Interstellar medium
Interplanetary space - Interplanetary medium - interplanetary dust
Interstellar space - Interstellar medium - interstellar dust
Intergalactic space - Intergalactic medium - Intergalactic dust
See also
Milky Way
Extragalactic astronomy
"Galactic Astronomy - Subcategories | The English knowledge database". Archived from the original on 2017-12-22. Retrieved 2017-12-20.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Galactic astronomy.
Mapping the hydrogen gas in the Milky Way
Mapping the dust in the centre of the Milky Way
Outline History
Timeline Astronomer Astronomical symbols Glossary
Astronomy by
Amateur Observational Sidewalk
Celestial subject
Galactic / Extragalactic Local system
EM methods
Radio Submillimetre Infrared (Far-infrared) Visible-light (optical) Ultraviolet X-ray Gamma-ray
other methods
Neutrino Cosmic rays Gravitational radiation High-energy Spherical Multi-messenger
Australian Aboriginal Babylonian Chechen (Nakh) Chinese Egyptian Greek Hebrew Indian Inuit Maya Medieval Islamic Serbian
folk Tibetan
List Category Extremely large telescope
Gran Telescopio Canarias Hubble Space Telescope Keck Observatory Large Binocular Telescope Southern African Large Telescope Very Large Telescope
Related topics
Archaeoastronomy Astrobiology Astrochemistry Astrophysics Astrology and astronomy Astrometry Astroparticle physics Photometry Physical cosmology List of astronomers
French Muslim Russian Women
Astronomy Solar System Physics Spaceflight Stars
Category Category Commons page Commons
Disc Lenticular
barred unbarred Spiral
anemic barred flocculent grand design intermediate Magellanic unbarred Dwarf galaxy
elliptical irregular spheroidal spiral Elliptical galaxy
cD Irregular
barred Peculiar Ring
Active galactic nucleus Bar Bulge Dark matter halo Disc
Disc galaxy Halo
corona Galactic center Galactic plane Galactic ridge Interstellar medium Protogalaxy Spiral arm Supermassive black hole
Active nuclei
Blazar LINER Markarian Quasar Radio
X-shaped Relativistic jet Seyfert
Energetic galaxies
Lyman-alpha emitter Luminous infrared Starburst
blue compact dwarf pea faint blue Hot dust-obscured
Low activity
Low surface brightness Ultra diffuse Dark galaxy
Field Galactic tide Cloud Groups and clusters
group cluster Brightest cluster galaxy fossil group Interacting
merger Jellyfish Satellite Stellar stream Superclusters Walls Voids and supervoids
void galaxy
Galaxies named after people Largest Nearest Polar-ring Ring Spiral Groups and clusters Large quasar groups Quasars
Superclusters Voids
See also
Extragalactic astronomy Galactic astronomy Galactic coordinate system Galactic empire Galactic habitable zone Galactic magnetic fields Galactic orientation Galactic quadrant Galaxy color–magnitude diagram Galaxy formation and evolution Galaxy rotation curve Illustris project Intergalactic dust Intergalactic stars Intergalactic travel Population III stars
Wikipedia book Book Category Category Portal Portal
Major subfields of astronomy
Astrobiology Astrochemistry Astrometry Astrophysics Cosmochemistry Cosmology Extragalactic astronomy Galactic astronomy Orbital mechanics Physical cosmology Planetary geology Planetary science Solar astronomy Stellar astronomy
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