
The Schiller house in Loschwitz. Carl Friedrich August
Kotzsch around 1875, 230 x 200 mm, albumen paper. Dresden, private collection. Germany. Scene.
The Schiller house (Schillerhäuschen) is a literature museum in Dresden dedicated to the important German poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller. It was set up in a small building where Schiller is said to have stayed and is part of the Museums of the City of Dresden.
The Schillerhäuschen is by far the smallest museum in Dresden and has been looked after by members of the Dresden Civic Foundation on a voluntary basis since it reopened in 2005.
Das Schillerhäuschen in Loschwitz. Carl Friedrich August Kotzsch
um 1875, 230 x 200 mm, Albuminpapier.
Dresden, Privatsammlung.
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