
Tonia Buxton is a Greek Cypriot television presenter and author, based in Britain. She is the host of the Discovery Channel Travel & Living show My Greek Kitchen, which is aired in the UK. The show has had three series as of september 2010. In the first series, Buxton travelled around many of the islands and cities in Greece exploring the different food specialities of the islands, while cooking several Greek meals and meeting with the locals. Buxton focuses on the culture and the way of life in Greece and Cyprus, including the culinary aspect. The second series proved more personal as Buxton stayed in Cyprus with her family who were often on the show.

As well as My Greek Kitchen, Buxton has also made a series on UK Food called Beauty and the Feast. With a classical history major, she also guests on many historical TV shows, including The History Channel's Life and Death in Rome.

My Cypriot Kitchen

Is the 3rd in the series of My Greek Kitchen. The new series was aired on September the 11th 2010, on Discovery Real Time. My Cypriot Kitchen will be shown on Discovery Travel and living from 4pm on New Years Day, all 10 shows will be shown back to back.

My Greek Kitchen is also going to be aired in early 2011.


Buxton has written many articles in food and health-related magazines. She also has written a book called "Have A Baby And Look Better Than Ever" Angel Publication, it is a holistic pregnancy book, full of nutrition and exercises for the expectant mother. She is in the process of writing her first cookery book which should be in bookstores from September 2011. It will have all the recipes from My Greek Kitchen series 1 & 2 and from My Cypriot Kitchen as well as many more.


Tonia lives in north London, with her husband Paul and their four children. Daughters Antigoni and Sophia and their sons Zephyros and Zeno.

Ancient Greeks

Ancient Greeks Portraits


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