Paeonius (or Paionios) of Mende in Thrace (now Chalkidiki) was a Greek sculptor of the late 5th century BC. The only work that can be definitely attributed to him is the statue of Nike (circa 420 BC) discovered at Olympia. According to the inscription on the base, it was dedicated by the people of Messenia and Naupactus after a victory in an unnamed conflict, possibly the battle of Sphacteria.
Paeonius also won the commission to decorate the acroteria of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia (about 430 - 420 BC), Pausanias was probably wrong in claiming that he worked on the sculptures for the pediments of the temple.
The Nike of Paeonius featured as part of the design of the medals of the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens.
Paeonius of Mende in Thrace) was an artist of secondary rank, if we may judge from the fact that his name occurs only in Pausanias; but in the brilliant period of Greek history even secondary artists were capable of work which less fortunate ages could not rival. Pausanias mentions a Victory by Paeonius at Olympia, a votive offering of the Messenians for successes gained in war. Portions of the pedestal of this statue with the dedicatory inscription and the artist's signature were found on December 20, 1875, at the beginning of the German excavations, and the mutilated statue itself on the following day. A restoration of the figure by a German sculptor may be trusted for nearly everything but the face. The goddess is represented in descending flight. Poised upon a triangular pedestal about thirty feet high, she seems all but independent of support. Her draperies, blown by the wind, form a background for her figure. An eagle at her feet suggests the element throughwhich she moves. Never was a more audacious design executed in marble. Yet it does not impress us chiefly as a tour de force. The beholder forgets the triumph over material difficulties in the sense of buoyancy, speed, and grace which the figure inspires. F. B. Tarbell History Of Greek Art
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