
Leaena or Leaina was an Athenian courtesan and the mistress of Aristogeiton. When Aristogeiton made an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow a tyrant, Leaina was captured and tortured for information. When she approached the breaking point, she bit off her tongue to avoid giving in. The Athenians honored her with a statue of a tongueless lion in the Acropolis of Athens in 520 BC.


Hippias vented his passion against all and sundry, including a woman named Leaena (Lioness).
What I am about to say has never before been committed to writing, but is generally credited among the Athenians. When Hipparchus died, Hippias tortured Leaena to death, because he knew she was the mistress of Aristogeiton, and therefore could not possibly, he held, be in ignorance of the plot As a recompense, when the tyranny of the Peisistratidae was at an end, the Athenians put up a bronze lioness in memory of the woman, which they say Callias dedicated and Calamis made.

Leon, Vicki. (1995) Uppity Women of Ancient Times. Publishers Group West. Page 171. ISBN 1-57324-010-9


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