
Epigraphical Museum in Athens, Athens

Honorific decree with the inscription: “The deme Aixone honours the choregoi Auteas and Philoxenides”. White, medium-grained marble, 313–2 BC. Found in Glyphada in 1941.

On the architrave five masks representing five different characters of the New Comedy

A young satyr with an oenochoe and Dionysus enthroned holding a krater

H. 96 cm (37 ¾ in.), W. top 36 cm (14 in.), W. bottom 40 cm (15 ½ in.)
Current location
Epigraphical Museum of Athens (Επιγραφικό μουσείο) Room 12
Accession number EM 13262

AM 66 (1941), 218-219

Source (*)

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