Epigraphical Museum in Athens, Athens
The oldest attic epigraphy from the Museum of Acropolis, dated from the eighth century AD-(rune script) Boustrophédon, two lines.
Epigraphical Museum in Athens (Επιγραφικό μουσείο), Room 11
Accession number MS 5365
IG I ³ 1418
Source (Information about this image)
Ancient Greece
Science, Technology , Medicine , Warfare, , Biographies , Life , Cities/Places/Maps , Arts , Literature , Philosophy ,Olympics, Mythology , History , Images Medieval Greece / Byzantine Empire Science, Technology, Arts, , Warfare , Literature, Biographies, Icons, History Modern Greece Cities, Islands, Regions, Fauna/Flora ,Biographies , History , Warfare, Science/Technology, Literature, Music , Arts , Film/Actors , Sport , Fashion --- |