
The Heracles Papyrus (Sackler Library, University of Oxford, Pap. Oxyrhynchus 2331) is a fragment of a 3rd-century Greek manuscript of a poem about the Labors of Heracles. It contains three unframed colored line drawings of the first of the Labors, the killing of the Nemean Lion, set within the columns of cursive text. It was found at Oxyrhynchus (Pap. 2331) and is one of the few surviving scraps of classical literary illustration on papyrus. The fragment is 235 by 106 mm.

The Heracles Papyrus (Oxford, Sackler Library, Oxyrhynchus Pap. 2331), a fragment of 3rd century Greek manuscript of a poem about the Labors of Heracles.


Weitzmann, Kurt. Late Antique and Early Christian Book Illumination. New York: George Braziller, 1977.

External links to: Heracles Papyrus

High resolution image (1264×739 pixels)
Images of the papyrus from Oxyrhynchus Online
Images and description of the papyrus from Oxyrhynchus: A City and its Texts, Virtual Exhibition

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