
Nymphaeum (or Nymphaion) a city of the Tauric Chersonesse. Nymphaeum,was colonized by the Samians.
The whole Chersonesse district was dotted with Greek cities: on the west side, Panticapaeum (Kerch), the chief of all, often itself called Bosporus, Khersones, and Nymphaeum (Eltegen); on the east Phanagoria (Sennaja), Cepi, Hermonassa, Portus Sindicus, Gorpippia (Anapa).
These Greek colonies were mostly settled by Milesians, Panticapaeum in the 7th or early in the 6th century B. C., but Phanagoria (c.540 B. C.) was a colony of Teos, and Nymphaeum had some connection with Athens — at least it appears to have been a member of the Confederacy of Delos.
Sergey Saprykin, Polis and Chora in the Kingdom of Bosporus (PDF)
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