Landkarten vom antiken Griechenland
As geographers, Sosius, crowd into the edges of their maps parts of the world which they do not know about, adding notes in the margin to the effect, that beyond this lies nothing but sandy deserts full of wild beasts, unapproachable bogs, Scythian ice, or a frozen sea...Plutarch Theseus
Alexander the Great with a Globe (a flat Earth actually) divided in Europe, Asia and Africa (the so called T and O medieval map) , his feets upon a lion and a dragon ("Over the asp and basilisk you shall go, and trample the lion and dragon under foot.", Psalm 91).
Part of Italy with Greek cities.
North Africa
Black Sea
Iliad and Troy relevant Map by Daphne Kleps
Reconstruction of Athens 5th century BC
Map of the Empire of Alexander the Great
Map of the World according to Ptolemy
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom 220 BC
Indo-Greek Kingdom 175 BC
Athenian Agora 150 BC
1 Acropolis
2 Lycabettos
3 Ilissos River
4 Stadium
5 Parthenon
6 Clepshydra Springhouse
7 Eleusinion
8 Houses
9 Pantheon
10 Tower of the Winds
11 Agoranomion
12 Roman Market
13 Library of Hadrian
14 Roman Basilica
15 Monopteros
16 Stoa of Attalos
17 Southeast Temple
20 Nymphaion
21 Southwest Fountain House
22 Middle Stoa
23 East Building
24 South Stoa II
25 Heliaia
The building where the chief law-court of Athens, the Heliæa, met and trials of its jurisdiction were held. It is here that the trial of Socrates took place in 399 BC
26 Southwest Fountain House
27 Triangular Shrine
28 Civic Offices
29 Southwest Temple
30 Eponymous Heroes
This monument included a statue of each one of the ten eponym heroes of the ten tribes instituted by Cleisthenes : Erechtheus, Aegeus (Theseus' father), Pandion, Leos, Acamas (one of Theseus' sons), Oeneus, Cecrops, Hippothoon, Ajax and Antiochus (a son of Heracles). It is on this monument that official decrees and announcements were posted.
31 Altar of Zeus Agoraios?
32 Odeion
Built by Agrippa in 15 BC (auditorium with a seating capacity of about 1000 people, and a two-storeyed portico. Destroyed by fire in AD 267 and in about A.D. 400 the Gymnasium was erected in this area. Its north side was adorned by four colossal figures of Giants and Tritons set up on massive pedestals, salvaged from the debris of the Odeion.
33 Panathenaic Way
34 Temple of Ares
35 Altar of the 12 Gods
Altar (bômos) in the center of the agora dedicated to the twelve great gods of Greece. It was the point from which distances were reckoned
36 Poikile Stoa
Greek for "Painted Porch". This is the porch were the Greek philosopher Zeno of Citium used to teach, toward the beginning of the 3rd century BC, the first principles of what would become known as a result as "Stoic" philosophy, from the Greek word "stoa", meaning "porch". It included paintings of Micon of the Battle of Marathon
37 Altar
38 Roman Stoa
39 Royal Stoa
This porch (stoa in Greek) was the seat of the King-Archon
40 Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios
41 Temple of Zeus Phratrios and Athena Phratria
42 Temple of Apollo Patroos
Under the epithet "Patrôos" (meaning "from the fathers"), Apollo was worshiped as the protector of families
43 Metroon
Building erected in the 2nd century BC It accommodated both the sanctuary of the Mother of the Gods and the state archives, including the proceedings of the meetings of the Council of 500 and various official documents, protected by the goddess.
44 Bouleuterion
This was the meeting room of the Council of Five-Hundred, in Greek boulè ("council"), hence the name "bouleuterion. When Cleisthenes reformed the boulè in 508 BC, he also had a new meeting room built next to the older one.
45 Propylon to Bouleuterion
46 Tholos
The round residency of the prytanes, or presidents of the boulè, during their tenure
47 Strategeion
The meeting room of the 10 strategoi
48 Hephaistion
The temple of Hephaestus, god of craftsmen.
49 Arsenal ?
50 Cross-Road Sanctuary
Maps from the 1923 edition of Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd (most public domain)
Ancient Greek and Hellenistic Settlements / Places - including Maps
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
STREPSIADES (pointing to a map) And that?
DISCIPLE Geometry.
STREPSIADES What is that used for?
DISCIPLE To measure the land.
STREPSIADES But that is apportioned by lot.
DISCIPLE No, no, I mean the entire earth.
STREPSIADES Ah! what a funny thing! How generally useful indeed is this invention!
DISCIPLE There is the whole surface of the earth. Look! Here is Athens.
STREPSIADES Athens! you are mistaken; I see no courts in session.
DISCIPLE Nevertheless it is really and truly the Attic territory.
STREPSIADES And where are my neighbours of Cicynna?
DISCIPLE They live here. This is Euboea; you see this island, that is so long and narrow.
STREPSIADES I know. Because we and Pericles have stretched it by dint of squeezing it. And where is Lacedaemon?
DISCIPLE Lacedaemon? Why, here it is, look.
STREPSIADES How near it is to us! Think it well over, it must be removed to a greater distance.
Aristophanes, Clouds
Ancient Greece
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