Handwriting »Suwar al Kawākib ath-Thabita (On the Fixtersterne)" of the Persian astronomer Abdar-Rahman b. 'Umar as-Sufi: The constellation of "Pegasus". Persian Master around 1300
1300, 29 x 19 cm
London, The British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings
Handschrift »Suwar al- kawâkib ath-thâbita (Über die Fixtersterne)« des persischen Astronomen Abdar-Rhamân b. 'Umar as-Sûfî: Das Sternbild »Pegasus«. Persischer Meister um 1300
um 1300, 29 × 19 cm
London, The British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings
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