Mosaics of the Church Kahrié-Djami in Istanbul, scene: the city of Nazareth, detail. Master of Kahriye-Cami-Church in Istanbul
1315-1320, mosaic
Istanbul, Church Kahriye-Cami
Former Chora Monastery Church, Client: Théodor Metochite, Mosaic program to apocryphal texts of the childhood of Christ, the life of Mary and the miracles of Christ
Mosaiken der Kirche Kahrié-Djami in Istanbul, Szene: Die Stadt Nazareth, Detail. Meister der Kahriye-Cami-Kirche in Istanbul
1315–1320, Mosaik
Istanbul, Kirche Kahriye-Cami
Ehemalige Chora-Klosterkirche, Auftraggeber: Théodor Metochite, Mosaikprogramm zu apokryphen Texten der Kindheitsgeschichte Christi, zum Marienleben und zu den Wundertaten Christi
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