George Morland
Winter Landscape with Figures
A Christmas Gambol
Dogs on the coast
A view on the River Derwent at Belper Derbyshire with a Salmon and a Grayling on the Bank
A Coastal Landscape of the Isle of Wight with figures on horse back near a cottage
The storm
The Old Water Mill
Fruits of Early Industry and Economy
The Happy Cottagers (The Cottage Door)
George Morland (London, 26. Juni 1763 - 29. Oktober 1804 in Brighton) war ein englischer Maler von Tieren und rustikalen Szenen.
Fine Art Prints | Grußkarten | Handyhüllen | Lebensstil | Herren , Damen Bekleidung | Wohnkultur | Puzzles | Notizbücher | Wandteppiche | ...
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