Neptune and Amphitrite, Paris Bordone
The Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite, Frans Francken the Elder
Triumph of Amphitrite or Fishing, Gabriel Francois Doyen
The Wedding of Neptune and Amphitrite, Gillis van Valckenborch
Neptune and Amphitrite, Attributed to Abraham van Diepenbeeck
The Triumph of Amphitrite, Simon de Vos
The Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite, Frans Francken the Younger
Neptune and Amphitrite, Mattheus Terwesten
Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite, Giuseppe Bazzani
The Triumph of Amphitrite, Hugues Taraval
Neptune and Amphitrite in the Storm, Jacob Jordaens
Preparation for the Wedding of Neptune and Amphitrite, Circle of Hans Rottenhammer
Triumph of Amphitrite or Fishing, Gabriel François Doyen Neptune and Amphitrite
Neptune and Amphitrite, Jan Gossaert
The Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite , Frans Francken the Younger
Neptune and Amphitrite, Frans Francken the Younger
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