In topology and related areas of mathematics, an induced topology on a topological space is a topology that makes a given (inducing) function or collection of functions continuous from this topological space.[1][2]
A coinduced topology or final topology makes the given (coinducing) collection of functions continuous to this topological space.[3]
The case of just one function
Let X_{0},X_{1} be sets, f:X_{0}\to X_{1}.
If \tau _{0} is a topology on X_{0} , then the topology coinduced on X_{1} by f is (U_{1})\in \tau _{0}\}} \{U_{1}\subseteq X_{1}|f^{-1}(U_{1})\in \tau _{0}\}.
If \tau _{1} is a topology on X_{1} , then the topology induced on X_{0} by f is \{f^{-1}(U_{1})|U_{1}\in \tau _{1}\}.
The easy way to remember the definitions above is to notice that finding an inverse image is used in both. This is because inverse image preserves union and intersection. Finding a direct image does not preserve intersection in general. Here is an example where this becomes a hurdle. Consider a set X_{0}=\{-2,-1,1,2\} with a topology \{\{-2,-1\},\{1,2\}\} , a set X_{1}=\{-1,0,1\} and a function f:X_{0}\to X_{1} such that f(-2)=-1,f(-1)=0,f(1)=0,f(2)=1 . A set of subsets {\displaystyle \tau _{1}=\{f(U_{0})|U_{0}\in \tau _{0}\}} \tau _{1}=\{f(U_{0})|U_{0}\in \tau _{0}\} is not a topology, because \{\{-1,0\},\{0,1\}\}\subseteq \tau _{1} but \{-1,0\}\cap \{0,1\}\notin \tau _{1}.
There are equivalent definitions below.
The topology \tau _{1} coinduced on X_{1} by f is the finest topology such that f is continuous (X_{0},\tau _{0})\to (X_{1},\tau _{1}) . This is a particular case of the final topology on X_{1} .
The topology \tau _{0} induced on X_{0} by f is the coarsest topology such that f is continuous (X_{0},\tau _{0})\to (X_{1},\tau _{1}) . This is a particular case of the initial topology on X_{0} .
General case
Given a set X and an indexed family (Yi)i∈I of topological spaces with functions
{\displaystyle f_{i}:X\to Y_{i},}
the topology \tau on X induced by these functions is the coarsest topology on X such that each
f_{i}:(X,\tau )\to Y_{i}
is continuous.[1][2]
Explicitly, the induced topology is the collection of open sets generated by all sets of the form f_{i}^{{-1}}(U) , where U is an open set in Y_{i} for some i ∈ I, under finite intersections and arbitrary unions. The sets f_{i}^{{-1}}(U) are often called cylinder sets. If I contains exactly one element, all the open sets of (X,\tau ) are cylinder sets.
The quotient topology is the topology coinduced by the quotient map.
The product topology is the topology induced by the projections {\displaystyle {\text{proj}}_{j}:X\to X_{j}}.
If {\displaystyle f:X_{0}\to X} is an inclusion map, then f induces on X_{0} the subspace topology.
The weak topology is that induced by the dual on a topological vector space.[1]
Rudin, Walter (1991). Functional Analysis. International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics. 8 (Second ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math. ISBN 978-0-07-054236-5. OCLC 21163277.
Adamson, Iain T. (1996). "Induced and Coinduced Topologies". A General Topology Workbook. Birkhäuser, Boston, MA. p. 23. doi:10.1007/978-0-8176-8126-5_3. Retrieved July 21, 2020. "... the topology induced on E by the family of mappings ..."
Singh, Tej Bahadur (May 5, 2013). "Elements of Topology". CRC Press. Retrieved July 21, 2020.
Hu, Sze-Tsen (1969). Elements of general topology. Holden-Day.
See also
Natural topology
The initial topology and final topology are used synonymously, though usually only in the case where the (co)inducing collection consists of more than one function.
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