

Portrait of Ernst Moritz Arndt. Jacob Seib

1848, 110 x 150 mm, daguerreotype. Frankfurt am Main, Historical Museum. Portrait.

Ernst Moritz Arndt (26 December 1769 – 29 January 1860) was a German nationalist historian, writer and poet. Early in his life, he fought for the abolition of serfdom, later against Napoleonic dominance over Germany. Arndt had to flee to Sweden for some time due to his anti-French positions. He is one of the main founders of German nationalism during the Napoleonic wars[1] and the 19th century movement for German unification. After the Carlsbad Decrees, the forces of the restoration counted him as a demagogue.


Porträt Ernst Moritz Arndt. Jacob Seib

1848, 110 x 150 mm, Daguerreotypie.
Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Museum.


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