
Bridge over the Antietam. Mathew B. Brady

Captured guns at Richmond. Mathew B. Brady

Consequences of the bombing of Fredericksburg. Mathew B Brady

Destroyed drawbridge over Bull Run. Mathew B. Brady

Destruction of Hood's train. Mathew B. Brady

Dunker Church, Antietam. Mathew B. Brady

Effect of exploded projectiles. Mathew B. Brady

Fair Oaks VA.. Mathew B. Brady

Federation Camp at Johnsonville, Tenn.. Mathew B. Brady

Fort Darling on the James River. Mathew B. Brady

Fort Mahone or 'Fort of Doom'. Mathew B. Brady

General Winfield Scott. Mathew B. Brady

How Sherman's boys fix the track. Mathew B. Brady

K Company of the 93rd Infantry New York at Bealeton. Mathew B, Brady

Railway gun called "Dictator". Mathew B. Brady

Rebel Winter Quarters at Centerville VA.. Mathew B. Brady

What the tide of battle leaves behind. Mathew B. Brady

Young, Brigham . Mathew B. Brady



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